Vitamin E Oil


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Vitamin E Oil Stabilised for use in Cosmetics, Skin Massage & Aromatherapy 500g There are numerous possible benefits of vitamin E oil for skin, especially in people with dry or itchy skin, psoriasis, and eczema. It may also help prevent wrinkles, heal wounds, and make scars less visible.


Vitamin E Oil

There are numerous possible benefits of this oil for skin, especially in people with dry or itchy skin, psoriasis, and eczema. It may also help prevent wrinkles, heal wounds, and make scars less visible.

It is a group of fat-soluble vitamins with antioxidant effects. Antioxidants fight free radicals, which are electrons that have broken off from an atom. Free radicals have been linked to a wide range of health conditions, from cancer to premature aging.

The oil is derived from vitamin E and can be applied directly to the skin, or added to lotions, creams, and gels. Many supporters of this vitamin argue that it is a potent antioxidant.

Oil is distinct from the supplements because it is applied directly to the skin. It is an ingredient in many skincare products; especially those that claim to have anti-aging benefits. Vitamin E is found in many moisturisers, and the oil may be used as a moisturizer to prevent or treat dry, flaking skin. Because it moisturizes the skin, however, it may offer temporary relief from itching caused by dry skin.

KNutrition are leading suppliers of health supplements, vitamins, amino acids and more. We have a long track record of supplying human and animal health supplements throughout the UK. Our products are the highest quality and supported with excellent customer service.

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1000g, 100g, 500g


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